Global Health Student Roundtable & Meeting Tonight!

Hi everyone,

I received the following email to share with you all. It is for the NCSU Global Health who shares many goals in line with EWB. The event is for anyone interest.

See you all at the meeting tonight!

Sarah Peterson

Got Global Health?

Attend the NCSU Global Health Student Roundtable
to learn about funding for your Student Organization!

Save the Date!
Tuesday, March 1
Carmichael Rec Center Play Zone
First Floor Carmichael Rec Center—Room 1601

 Join the NCSU Global Health Initiative for the announcement of our:
Global Health Case Competition
Global Health Service Award
NCSU Global Health Campus Challenge

 Compete against local universities in a regional case competition,
earn recognition for your global health service efforts, and win funding for
the development and implementation of a project that will address a
global health need. All activities are open to any undergraduate and graduate student.