Global Health Student Roundtable & Meeting Tonight!
Hi everyone, I received the following email to share with you all. It is for the NCSU Global Health who shares many goals in line with EWB. The event is for anyone interest. See you all at the meeting tonight! … Continued
Weekly Updates (12/01/2010)
We will be having an End-Of-The-Year Holiday party, combined with a sending-off party for the Sierra Leone Water Sanitation team tomorrow night in place of our weekly general body meeting. Â We will still be meeting in the same room (Daniels … Continued
Holiday / Sending-Off SLWS Party RSVP
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EWB-USA RTP Spaghetti Dinner
The local EWB-USA Professional Chapter, located in Research Triangle Park, is having a Spaghetti Dinner to help fund-raise for their Nicaragua Project. Â The event will be on Monday, Nov. 15th from 6:30 – 8:00 PM at Highland United Methodist Church. … Continued